Monday, January 26, 2009

New Built In

The reason I put this on our blog is because after it was done, Trace was at work and wanted to see it. I am so technology challenged that I did not know how to put it in an email, but I now know how to blog it!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Cute Baby Blake

Blake started rolling over last week. I was so excited but then quickly remembered that crawling and walking will come next, now I am just scared. We all love her so much, but I must admitt I feel like I have taken seven big steps backwards. Dane is 6, so at one point I was sleeping through the night, had all kids in school, and had some free time for myself. Now when Blake is asleep I am trying to get laundry done, figure out what I am going to cook for dinner, and a million other things before everyone gets home from school. Then comes the endless homeworkand running my kids to scouts, basketball, achevievment days, soccer, and baseball. I must say we have eaten more fast food this year than ever before. After all of that I look at this little face and can't image our family without her. She brings joy to our family that is indescribable. She is almost 5 months and my kids still can't get enought of her. Blakey we love you!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Our Week In Review

Alexa with her soccer team. She really loves playing
and has developed into a great player. I enjoy watching Alexa and it is fun to see her find something she loves to do so much.
Chance is playing basketball this month and he loves it. Dane loves to put on Chances old uniform and wear it to his games.

Monday there was not school, so Alexa invited some friends over and had a little party. Alexa is at such a fun age. It is fun to be around her and her friends. She entered middle school this year and it is great to see her turning into such a great young women. The other day we walked into a restaurnt where there were quited a few boys from her school, it was funny to see for the first time how akward this was for all of them. I realized she is now entering a world where boys are in the mix! I am so scared......

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Cute kids

The boys love being big brothers. Blake is always being held by one of her brothers or sister.
AAlexa loves to dress her baby sister.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have started blogging!

My new years resolution was to start and learn how to blog. I just love my sisters and how it is such a great journal of her kids. So after 2 hours on the phone with my sister, Ashlee ( yes she wanted to kill me, but she never gave up on me) I am finally blogging. I owe it all to you Ash! I am very new to this, so be kind as I get the hang of it.

Blake's Blessing and Chance's Baptism

Chance recieves his first set of scriptures for
his baptism.
Blakes Blessing day.

Chances Baptism

The Power Family Chrsitmas

The Power family had a great Christmas. We had a fun

time making a big dinner Christmas Eve. Alexa decorated

our gingerbread house and the boys decorated cookies.

We read the nativity and sang a few Christmas carols.