Monday, February 2, 2009


Chance can either be the source of great frustration or sometimes my greatest joy. On Sunday he bore his testimony(he does this every fast Suday, as soon as he starts to go up there you can see Alexa burry herself in the seat) he said he knows of alot of churches, but he knows The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints is true cause he can feel it. I must say I was very proud of him. Tonight he was working on a family tree project for school. He was filling out about my parents and where they were born. He came to Grams and Grandad Power and wanted to know where there birth place was. I was not sure so I told him we could call them. He then proceeded to tell me that he knew where Grandad's birth place was, it was a barn. I said Chance they mean the state he was born in. He then proceeded to argue with me, mom Grandad was born in a barn! So we called and talked to grandad and he assured Chance, he was born in a hospital in Colorado, but he did live in a barn for awhile.